Corporation - Description - 2010-12-06 06:32:48 - Live Ticker



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-Calling all pilots...Grand River Trades is recruiting! :) +Calling all pod pilots...Grand River Trades is looking for you!
-Grand River Trades is a growing corporation looking for industry focused players of all skill levels in all fields to join the team!+Grand River Trades is a growing industrial corporation currently operating in the Sinq Laison Region of New Eden and needs your skills to compliment our industrial workforce. We are also seeking out like-minded corporations for mergers INTO Grand River Trades to boost the industrial capabilities and the prosperity of all participating pilots.
-Grand River Trades expanding it’s industrial base to support mass-production manufacturing using an extensive set of BPO’s along with ore mining, ice harvesting, planetary colony management, and eventually moon mining and we need your help!+Our corporation is looking for pilots in all fields of EVE industry....
 +- Miners
 +- Researchers
 +- Inventors
 +- Reverse Engineerers
-What we offer as a corporation...+- Manufacturers
 +- Planetary Commodity Producers
 +- Haulers
-1) A friendly and mature player environment which is open and easy-going. 
-2) Participate as you can policy – while we need as much active participation as possible in corp and alliance activities, real-life (is there such a thing? :P ) takes precedent, we do want you to be active as much as you can though.+With a set of over one thousand BPO’s, extensive corp-owned research/manufacturing facilities already online and Orca-supported mining fleets, your skills will be an asset to the corporation’s growing production capabilities.
-3) Regular ore and ice mining ops, often with payout in ore or ice (which you can sell for isk or use to manufacture your own items). 
-4) Access to extensive corporation-owned research, invention, reverse engineering and manufacturing facilities. 
-What we offer through the alliance...+Industry not your forte? We are also looking for pilots capable of all other activities in New Eden. Missions-runners, PVP’ers etc. are all very welcome in our corporation to compliment our member base and provide a wide range of corporate activity, our mature (mostly :P ) and friendly alliance members also provide ample of opportunity for mission gangs, wormhole ops and PVP roams.
-1) PVP Training for war-decs and our alliances long-range goal of moving to 0.0/null-sec. 
-2) A Ship Replacement Program for ship losses in santioned fleet battles. 
-3) Regular missions fleets to make isk and boost faction/NPC corporate standings; with members capable of providing missions all the way to level 5.+Our corporation’s long-term goal is to become a premier industrial corp capable of operating in 0.0 and being able to support our allies as an integral member of our alliance.
-4) Optional low-sec and null-sec roams for PVP experiences and training 
-5) TeamSpeak 3 voice chat for improved alliance communications and making friends. 
-6) Democratic decision-making process where corporate leadership votes on majority of alliance issues. 
-7) Anti-pirate/anti-griefing alliance stance. 
-Our current goals...+Our membership requirments are minimal; we are looking for pilots of all ages/skill levels to join our team, we don’t descriminate against trial accounts for those pilots new to EVE. PVP skills are an asset for war-decs and our long-range 0.0 plans, but we typically only ask the following...
-1) Expanding the corporate member base of skilled industrialists in all fields. 
-2) Long-range goal of moving to 0.0 as a premier null-sec industrial corporation within the alliance.+- You fly within corp/alliance policies, which primarily consists of an anti-pirating/anti-greifing stance.
 +- You use the alliance TeamSpeak server on a regular basis, even if you don’t have a mic (you can still listen in)
 +- You log in at least once a month (except under circumstances where we know in advance you won’t be back for an extended period of time); while we do want as much activity as possible, we do understand that real-life (if there is such a thing :P ) takes precident.
-Requirements to join... 
-1) Must be able to use TeamSpeak 3 on a regular basis (you will need a microphone), typically whenever online if possible; good communications help solidify bonds within the alliance and provides co-ordination for corp and alliance efforts. 
-2) Must be able to fly in accordance with corporate and alliance policies. 
-3) Some PVP skills for war decs and low-sec/null-sec roams and long term 0.0 plans. The alliance can help train you if necessary. 
-So, if you think you’re the right pilot for the job and would like to contribute to Grand River Trades and your EVE experience in a positive way please put in an application today with a brief explanation of why you wish to join. If you have more questions before applying please feel free to join our recruitment channel ‘G-R-T RECRUITMENT’ and talk to Grand River, CEO of G-R-T or our Recruitment Officer Babic1. +So, if you think you’re the right pilot for the job and would like to contribute to Grand River Trades and your EVE experience in a positive way please put in an application today with a brief explanation of why you wish to join. If you have questions before applying please feel free to join our in-game recruitment channel ‘G-R-T RECRUITMENT’ and/or talk to Grand River, CEO of G-R-T or our Recruitment Officer Babic1.
-Grand River Trades is a proud member of the Legions 0f Justice Alliance! 

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Resources 2010-12-06 06:32:48 Corporation Description
Alliance Legions 0f Justice Member 0
Corporation Grand River Trades Member 0
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