Corporation - Description - 2021-05-25 08:58:36 - Live Ticker



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-We are The Order of Omerta. We are a mining and indy corp that seeks new and returning players to have a relax environment to learn the game while making some friends. +We are The Order of Omerta. We are a mining and pvp corp with access to HS, LS, and NS space. We like to mine and pew in groups and will train those with the fighting spirit.
 +We consider ourselves krabs with attitude. We seek pilots who want to sharpen their skills as well as join a laid back group of folks who enjoy the game and know real life must come first. We are alpha and newbro (minimum 1 month in game) friendly and will help train the raw and willing.
-We offer:+We have great moons to mine, lots of hunting grounds to keep save and grow those killboards. We have rorq boosts available and pvp fleets both in corp and alliance to help get coalition objectives met and get in on some of those sweet fights.
-Ore/Loot/Salvage Buyback Program 
-Ratting and Mission running  
 +We require:
-Mining ops to take part in+Mic to join coms with
-Weekly events 
-PvP roams with experienced FCs 
-Active community 
 +Relaxed attitude
 +Willingness to join in on fleets and other activities
-Veteran players to help teach you.+Respectful to others
-Highsec and lowsec space use 
 +2 pvp or mining fleets attended per month (miners must join pvp and pvp must join a mining fleet) to help grow bonds and sharpen our skills or stare at rocks a bit.
-We are members of No Forks Given Alliance.  
-We are a low stress environment where we enjoy playing the game and helping our own. +We have an active discord and welcome those who wanna help us grow our corp into a major contributor to our alliance and coalition.
 If interested in joining message Varina Vengari  If interested in joining message Varina Vengari

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Resources 2021-05-25 08:58:36 Corporation Description
Corporation The Order of Omerta Member 9
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