Corporation - Description - 2021-06-06 20:52:09 - Live Ticker



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-Renter corp for Goonswarm Federation 
-Have you been thinking of making the move from highsec to null but are not sure you want to take that step? Have you heard about all the wealth nullsec can offer but concerned that the experience may be unpleasant or unfriendly? We are a friendly PVP/PVE corporation that is a member of the largest coalition in the game with access to a large number of services. We cater to those who want to experience more of the game while also making a lot of money as well as those who are more experienced. 
- All are welcome! 
-We Offer: 
--Membership in the largest and most established coalition in the game, The Imperium. 
--Teamspeak server access. 
--Acess to Alliance Services such as a full -Jump Bridge network, early warning intelligence channels and 3rd party navigation tools. 
--Upgraded outposts for advanced research and development.  
--Safe PVE and mining areas in deepest nullsec. 
--Ore buyback programs. 
--Jump Freighter services between Jita and nullsec areas. 
--Training in complex nullsec combat tactics. 
--Fleet patrols to hunt down the enemies of the alliance. 
--Leadership and promotion opportunities and access to the complex web of nullsec politics.  
--Most importantly, no CTA's. You can join up just to make money if that is what you want! 
--Low SP requirements (5million) 
-What we offer imagery: 
-Limited API is required for application 
-If this sounds interesting to you drop by the recruitment channel and say hello! Recureon Recruit  

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Resources 2021-06-06 20:52:09 Corporation Description
Alliance Goonswarm Federation Member 56041
Corporation Recureon Corporation Member 12
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API J:27 Mar 19:50 K:27 Mar 19:55 C:27 Mar 20:24 A:27 Mar 20:18 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 19:58 S:27 Mar 19:51 W:27 Mar 20:06