Corporation - Description - 2010-12-17 22:37:35 - Live Ticker



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 I will find the center in you, chew it up and leave I will find the center in you, chew it up and leave
 +ZZZzzzZZZ Sleeeeepers......
 Looking for Pilots that want to make some serious isk , deep WH space livin, only T3 pilots or those close to having one should aply, must have scanning skills and patience to do so !. Looking for Pilots that want to make some serious isk , deep WH space livin, only T3 pilots or those close to having one should aply, must have scanning skills and patience to do so !.
 Recruiting is very limited we run a tight loyal grp so screening wil be a must ! full api details and past corp details. Recruiting is very limited we run a tight loyal grp so screening wil be a must ! full api details and past corp details.
 If you are truthfully someone that is interested in this lucrative isk farm and is loyal ! then isk will flow abundantly in your pockets, please message me and we shall talk further. If you are truthfully someone that is interested in this lucrative isk farm and is loyal ! then isk will flow abundantly in your pockets, please message me and we shall talk further.

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Resources 2010-12-17 22:37:35 Corporation Description
Alliance Arekin Syndicate Member 0
Corporation Eden Plaque Member 6
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