Corporation - Description - 2010-12-18 22:36:30 - Live Ticker



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-StarrCorp IS NOW RECRUITING 5 mill sp min all round corp we have ts3 pvp, mining, industral building. and more limited api needed +StarrCorp IS NOW RECRUITING Noobs welcome all round corp we have pvp, mining, industral building. and more limited api needed
-we give you basic skill books are AU time zone but will take on other time zones we are a small corp tring to get bigger so please help us out we are all freindly and we will tri to help you out in any way we can we are set up in o.o pure blind low sec and empire our offices are at ien noghere + All time zones we are a small corp tring to get bigger so please help us out we are all freindly and we will tri to help you out in any way we can we are set up in low sec and empire our offices are at ien noghere need to know more convo me or goto puppeteers pub
-all so is looking for pvpers that fly ewar bs t1 and 2 all ships t1 2 3 covert ops black ops and caps Acarma Taylon Varlick or go to puppeteers pub our recruitment channel 

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Resources 2010-12-18 22:36:30 Corporation Description
Corporation StarrCorp Puppets inc Member 0
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