Corporation - Description - 2010-12-21 14:47:04 - Live Ticker



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 +***Recruiting currently closed - Contact Xion Martinus if interested in the Corp***
 Atlantic Systems is a Corporation based in the Domain region of space for easy access to the trade hub of Amarr. Atlantic is also situated near the Kador region, which allows members access to the competitive prices there as well. Atlantic Systems aims to be a Corporation about its members, and for its members. A-Sys believes that real life is far more important than EVE, and as such does not ask anything from its members. There are no 'must attend' activities, no AFK penalties, and you will not be removed from the Corp for not participating in any events. There are no skillpoint entry requirements, and no particular skill set that you must be adept at.  Atlantic Systems is a Corporation based in the Domain region of space for easy access to the trade hub of Amarr. Atlantic is also situated near the Kador region, which allows members access to the competitive prices there as well. Atlantic Systems aims to be a Corporation about its members, and for its members. A-Sys believes that real life is far more important than EVE, and as such does not ask anything from its members. There are no 'must attend' activities, no AFK penalties, and you will not be removed from the Corp for not participating in any events. There are no skillpoint entry requirements, and no particular skill set that you must be adept at.
 Atlantic members are given the opportunity for advancement through many facets of the Corporation itself. We provide Profit Sharing to members who assist with large building projects, and all members of the Corporation are given a share in the company for voting rights. This allows everyone to have a say when significant events arise. Atlantic members are given the opportunity for advancement through many facets of the Corporation itself. We provide Profit Sharing to members who assist with large building projects, and all members of the Corporation are given a share in the company for voting rights. This allows everyone to have a say when significant events arise.
 We also have access to research facilities for trusted members to utilize. Let's face it, this game is about ISK - so we want to work together in making a lot of it. Atlantic welcomes any and all time zones to the Corp as well. For more information, please check out the website for additional details, and send us an application from the website so that we can get to know you. Additionally, we offer Teamspeak server access for voice communications. Some of the activities Atlantic is involved in: We also have access to research facilities for trusted members to utilize. Let's face it, this game is about ISK - so we want to work together in making a lot of it. Atlantic welcomes any and all time zones to the Corp as well. For more information, please check out the website for additional details, and send us an application from the website so that we can get to know you. Additionally, we offer Teamspeak server access for voice communications. Some of the activities Atlantic is involved in:
 Orca supported Mining Operations Orca supported Mining Operations
 Missioning - Up to Level 4 atm Missioning - Up to Level 4 atm
 Research and Invention - POS access Research and Invention - POS access
 Manufacturing - T1 and T2 Manufacturing - T1 and T2
 Exploration - Wormhole and Plexes Exploration - Wormhole and Plexes
 PvP Tournaments and Fleet training PvP Tournaments and Fleet training
 Low Sec Fleet roams Low Sec Fleet roams
 Alliance Defense in times of War Alliance Defense in times of War
 For more information, please check out the website and join Channel 'ASYS' for a friendly convo... For more information, please check out the website and join Channel 'ASYS' for a friendly convo...

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Resources 2010-12-21 14:47:04 Corporation Description
Alliance Joint Venture Conglomerate Member 0
Corporation Atlantic Systems Member 0
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