Corporation - Description - 2011-01-08 06:34:29 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Industry. Industry.
 Trade. Trade.
 Investment. Investment.
 Research Research
 Chill. Chill.
 We are an association of experienced pilots, connected by a love for the raw experience, and a cause for unity. The Pursuit of Excellence in everything that we endeavor is what we do day in and day out. As a result, the most fun we experience in the game is the support and appreciation that we offer to corpmates, not only in personal success, but in the Success of something much larger.  We are an association of experienced pilots, connected by a love for the raw experience, and a cause for unity. The Pursuit of Excellence in everything that we endeavor is what we do day in and day out. As a result, the most fun we experience in the game is the support and appreciation that we offer to corpmates, not only in personal success, but in the Success of something much larger.
 We operate in Nullsec. (NBSI) We operate in Nullsec. (NBSI)
 We don't Pigeon-hole ourselves into one mold or another. we simply strive to carry out the best Eve experience, and we do so with a family like teamwork. We don't Pigeon-hole ourselves into one mold or another. we simply strive to carry out the best Eve experience, and we do so with a family like teamwork.
 -You Value Loyalty and Teamwork -You Value Loyalty and Teamwork
 -You Are Looking for the Full Eve Experience. -You Are Looking for the Full Eve Experience.
 Requirements: Requirements:
 10M SP Minimum.  10M SP Minimum.
 Headset Mic, and TS3 Headset Mic, and TS3
 Common Sense Common Sense
 Limited API key required, upon request Limited API key required, upon request
 Recruitment: Open Recruitment: Open
-Public Channel: Jihad Pub +Public Channel: Jihad Recruitment Pub
 Diplomats:Turoc Acnor. Diplomats:Turoc Acnor.

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Resources 2011-01-08 06:34:29 Corporation Description
Alliance Wayfarer Stellar Initiative Member 0
Corporation Bakalakadaka Jihad Member 7
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