Corporation - Description - 2011-01-08 06:36:40 - Live Ticker



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-Kinetic Cartel is not recruiting atm, but we will open the doors soon again.+Recruitment status: Selective
 We are a corp of new generation. Enhanced PVE options without excessive taxing and pvp requirements. Instead, lots of benefits like free logistics, corp forums, voicecomms, killboard and lots of others. We are a corp of new generation. Enhanced PVE options without excessive taxing and pvp requirements. Instead, lots of benefits like free logistics, corp forums, voicecomms, killboard and lots of others.
 We have veteran core of people who know each other for a long time and we are looking for new potential recruits from all areas of EVE. Minimum SP requirements are 5 mils, but this number is negotiable in case of prospective recruits. We have veteran core of people who know each other for a long time and we are looking for new potential recruits from all areas of EVE. Minimum SP requirements are 5 mils, but this number is negotiable in case of prospective recruits.
 For more chat or any questions answered, head to our public channel - Kinetic Bar For more chat or any questions answered, head to our public channel - Kinetic Bar
-For recruitment contact +For recruitment contact:
 +Abigail La'Fey
 +Franz Jacob

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Resources 2011-01-08 06:36:40 Corporation Description
Alliance Shadow of xXDEATHXx Member 0
Corporation Kinetic Cartel Member 13
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