Corporation - Description - 2011-01-18 14:38:18 - Live Ticker



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-hello we are 1337H4X and we are accepting new memebers.  
-> Join our public channel "1337H4X" or mail/convo David Shepard2 for more info 
 +We depend on all of our divisions. One cannot live without another.
 +Our goals is to establish our industrial corporation as such so everyone gets a cut. We're still working out the actual margins so there is a bit of grey area to work with right now, but basically our corp will be like this when we get on our feet:
 +Mining Division - Has the option to sell ores to the corp at 100% regional.
 +Logistics Division - Has the option to haul to trade hubs to sell for a % cut of gross sales.
 +Manufacturing Division - Has the option to manufacture for us and get a % cut of gross sales.
 +PvE Division - Get together, farm L4s (Or whatever you choose) and get standing.
-> We are a corp of miners, PVEers, PVPers, and mission runners.+PVP Division - Low-Sec roams, security detail when needed.
-> Our current skill point requirment is none 
-> Our members are free to do whatever 
-> We will also help train new members. 
-> We live in highsec. 
-> we have corp ops mining and Pvping. 
-> we use vent+
-> If you have any questions or comments shoot them over to David Shepard2 
 +We are here to get rich together. The corp will flourish as will the members.
 +We are looking for those interested in growing and rebuilding with us. Any questions?

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Resources 2011-01-18 14:38:18 Corporation Description
Corporation 1337H4X Member 45
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