Corporation - Description - 2011-01-19 22:41:43 - Live Ticker



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 Explorers of Space Association is now recruiting beginer pilots who want to take their first steps in New Eden within a friendly corp: Explorers of Space Association is now recruiting beginer pilots who want to take their first steps in New Eden within a friendly corp:
 - miners - miners
 - mission runners - mission runners
 - explorers - explorers
 - fighter pilots - fighter pilots
 >No matter how many SP. >No matter how many SP.
 >No matter what race. >No matter what race.
 >NO negative personal security standings allowed. >NO negative personal security standings allowed.
 >Motivating packages available if you prove yourself. >Motivating packages available if you prove yourself.
-ESARO regularly organizes mining ops, low-sec PvP roams, training for new pilots.+

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Resources 2011-01-19 22:41:43 Corporation Description
Corporation Explorers of Space Association RO Member 8
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