Corporation - Description - 2011-01-20 22:41:55 - Live Ticker



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 Frontier Outcasts is recruiting Pvpers, Miners, Industrialists, Traders and Mission Runners.  Frontier Outcasts is recruiting Pvpers, Miners, Industrialists, Traders and Mission Runners.
 We are looking for: We are looking for:
 Team players working for both themselves and the corp, have fun and enjoy the game.  Team players working for both themselves and the corp, have fun and enjoy the game.
 Benefits Benefits
 Corporate Hanger Access Corporate Hanger Access
 Experienced players for advice and guidance Experienced players for advice and guidance
 New players will be supported and trained. New players will be supported and trained.
 Relaxed friedley enviroment.  Relaxed friedley enviroment.
 We have members from all over the world:  We have members from all over the world:
 Contact: Paolo Jabs, Halleluja Karl, Katelin Raynor Contact: Paolo Jabs, Halleluja Karl, Katelin Raynor

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Resources 2011-01-20 22:41:55 Corporation Description
Alliance The Doom Waffle Mafia Member 0
Corporation Frontier Outcasts Member 10
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