Corporation - Description - 2021-08-22 19:35:56 - Live Ticker



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-Formed by an unlikely gang of derelicts and vagabonds, the ragtag warrior-capsuleers of Rivertech live for brawls, laughs and camaraderie at the expense of the tears and swears of our adversaries. As freedom fighters we fight for The Republic & The Federation, we fight for the corporation, and we fight for the sake of the fight. +Formed by an unlikely gang of derelicts and vagabonds, the ragtag warrior-capsuleers of Rivertech live for brawls, laughs and camaraderie at the expense of the tears and swears of our adversaries. As freedom fighters we fight for The Republic, we fight for the corporation, and we fight for the sake of the fight.
 To get in touch with Rivertech, join GalNet channel Rivertech Public. To get in touch with Rivertech, join GalNet channel Rivertech Public.
 Recruitment status: Open (Friends, Fun and Fighting for Freedom) Recruitment status: Open (Friends, Fun and Fighting for Freedom)

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Resources 2021-08-22 19:35:56 Corporation Description
Alliance Higgs Collision Member 24
Corporation Rivertech Member 0
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