Corporation - Description - 2021-10-24 20:09:42 - Live Ticker



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-Teeth of the Hydra [TEETH] is a null sec focused corp currently working with RISE in Fountain +u'Teeth of the Hydra [TEETH] is a null sec focused corp currently working with RISE in Fountain
 We have operations spanning  We have operations spanning
 PvP PvP
 Invention Invention
 Exploration  Exploration
 Mining  Mining
 POS installation and running  POS installation and running
 Not currently recruiting with out strong character reference from at least 1 established member  Not currently recruiting with out strong character reference from at least 1 established member
 Forum access is available only by mailing Crazywalrus88 or MasaMan in game  Forum access is available only by mailing Crazywalrus88 or MasaMan in game
-“Come to .0 it’s where the flavour is”+\u201cCome to .0 it\u2019s where the flavour is\u201d
-You’re dirty and sweet +You\u2019re dirty and sweet
-Well you're slim and you're weak +Well you\'re slim and you\'re weak
-you've got the teeth of a hydra upon you +you\'ve got the teeth of a hydra upon you
 After Jason fights with the Hydra  After Jason fights with the Hydra
 and kills it, Aeetes prays to the  and kills it, Aeetes prays to the
 Goddess Hecate to deliver to him  Goddess Hecate to deliver to him
-the children of the hydra's teeth. +the children of the hydra\'s teeth.
 Aeetes commands his soldiers to  Aeetes commands his soldiers to
 collect the teeth from the mouth of  collect the teeth from the mouth of
 the Hydra and so the children  the Hydra and so the children
 are born are born
 The Hydra has 7 heads to start.  The Hydra has 7 heads to start.
 Jason cuts off 13. For each one  Jason cuts off 13. For each one
 cut off, the Hydra gets it back  cut off, the Hydra gets it back
 plus 1. Once you  plus 1. Once you
 find out how many heads the  find out how many heads the
 Hydra had when it was slain, add  Hydra had when it was slain, add
 the 13 on the ground to that  the 13 on the ground to that
 number. Multiply this answer by  number. Multiply this answer by
 24 then by 7 to get the total  24 then by 7 to get the total
 number of skeleton warriors number of skeleton warriors
 Today "Hydra-like problem" or  Today "Hydra-like problem" or
 "hydra" refers to a multifaceted  "hydra" refers to a multifaceted
 problem that seems incapable of  problem that seems incapable of
 step-by-step solution, or to one  step-by-step solution, or to one
 that worsens upon conventional  that worsens upon conventional
 attempts to solve it, for example,  attempts to solve it, for example,
 attempts to suppress a particular  attempts to suppress a particular
 piece of information resulting in  piece of information resulting in
 it being disseminated even more  it being disseminated even more
-widely. +widely.'

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Resources 2021-10-24 20:09:42 Corporation Description
Corporation Teeth Of The Hydra Member 8
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