Corporation - Description - 2011-02-24 06:35:33 - Live Ticker



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 --== Imperium Industrial Core ==-- --== Imperium Industrial Core ==--
 We are the industrial division of the Imperium Alliance, currently operating in High and Low security space, mining resources and manufacturing ships, ammo and compnents for our Brothers in Arms who protect us. We are the industrial division of the Imperium Alliance, currently operating in High and Low security space, mining resources and manufacturing ships, ammo and compnents for our Brothers in Arms who protect us.
 What we do: What we do:
 +• Tech 1 Ship Manufacturing
 +• Tech 2 Ship Manufacturing
 +• NPC and Pirate Ship Manufacturing
 +• Capital Ship Manufacturing
 +• Module / Ammo / Drone Manufacturing
 +• High Sec Freight Service
-• High & Low Sec Mining operations (with support fleets).+• Low Sec Freight Service (Limited Storage Space)
-• Research & Manufacturing of Ships / Ammo / Drones etc (tech 1, tech 2 & faction) 
-• WH exploration 
-• Mission Runningission Running 
-Recruitment: +Recruitment: Open
ʉۢ Applicants must give details about experienceʉۢ Applicants must give details about experience
ʉۢ Applicants must have a minimum of 1.5million SPʉۢ Applicants must have a minimum of 1.5million SP
 --== For the Imperium! ==-- --== For the Imperium! ==--

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Resources 2011-02-24 06:35:33 Corporation Description
Alliance Imperium Alliance Member 0
Corporation Imperium Industrial Core Ltd Member 7
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