Corporation - Description - 2011-03-02 06:36:34 - Live Ticker



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 +The Empyrean Heaven, is the place in the highest heaven, which in ancient cosmologies was supposed to be occupied by the element of fire.
-It has been foretold that the universe we now know of, New Eden, will collapse+We will seek it. We will conquer it. It will be our home
-under its own weight. Mega corporations has for decades fought over limited resources and ever shifting wealth between the superpowers, bringing our galaxy to a state of uncertainty and instability.  
-It has been foretold that under these circumstances, one with the knowledge unknown to the now living and breathing in New Eden, will find a place that holds great means of common wealth spread amongst our brothers and sisters. 
-For many centuries our fathers, and those before them, has fought and suffered for what we believe would be our new home, our hope and future. It´s time that we secure that faith and make ourself a prosperous world for our own to come 
-Public Relations: Raphael_Ordo 
-Public Channel: The Empyreans +Communications Channel: The Empyreans

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Resources 2011-03-02 06:36:34 Corporation Description
Alliance Fifth Freedom Member 14
Corporation The Empyreans Member 0
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