Corporation - Description - 2021-12-03 07:37:27 - Live Ticker



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 Welcome All New Members Welcome All New Members
 Mining alone can get boring,  Mining alone can get boring,
 Mining is the backbone of everything in Eve, from providing ships to keeping the economy going. Mining is the backbone of everything in Eve, from providing ships to keeping the economy going.
-DDT is a coporation that puts focus on a friendly and knowledgeable environment to get you into mining and anything else fom basic game information to experienced mechanics. +DAM is a coporation that puts focus on a friendly and knowledgeable environment to get you into mining and anything else fom basic game information to experienced mechanics.
 As a corporation we offer the following things to our members: As a corporation we offer the following things to our members:
 - Start-up Help: From free ventures and cheap barges to any information you may want. - Start-up Help: From free ventures and cheap barges to any information you may want.
 - Knowledge: anything you want to know, ask us. - Knowledge: anything you want to know, ask us.
 - Group fun: From mining fleets to fun roams and excursions - Group fun: From mining fleets to fun roams and excursions
-We welcome many different people with different interests from exploration to PVE, etc, But our main focus will always be mining. +We welcome many different people with different interests from Trading to Mining......

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Resources 2021-12-03 07:37:27 Corporation Description
Corporation Dark Apophis Mining Member 41
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