Corporation - Description - 2011-03-13 06:16:08 - Live Ticker



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 â˜» â˜»
 |\_☻ |\_☻
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 Bend Over Bend Over
 We are...... We are......
 P oor P oor
 O ld O ld
 O rnery O rnery
 N oobs N oobs
 POON is always Desired. POON is always Desired.
 POON seldom comes when called POON seldom comes when called
 POON never obeys your wishes POON never obeys your wishes
 POON is always expensive to get POON is always expensive to get
 POON is even better than chocolate POON is even better than chocolate
-Since were all ruled by the unholy POON in RL we decided to be ruled by it in EVE. Our CEO is ebil, Shes short, shes blonde, and she never gives us any POON :( +Since were all ruled by the unholy POON in RL we decided to be ruled by it in EVE.
-Oh Well at least she beats us regularly and gives us crap to blow you up in. 
 We are not openly recruiting.  We are not openly recruiting.
 We can be your best friends in Eve or your worst enemies. We can be your best friends in Eve or your worst enemies.
-POON does not LIE we tell you straight up if we dont like you or are gonna POD your ass to the stoneage. +POON does not LIE we tell you straight up if we dont like you or are gonna POD your ass back to the stoneage.
-POON is not a democracy. Basically its ruled by a ebil midget despot who for some reason lets us suck up to her and kill stuff in her unholy name. 
 Want some POON ? Impress us and maybe you to can say you got POON. Want some POON ? Impress us and maybe you to can say you got POON.
 WTS backbones, discount to such notable fails like Coranor. WTS backbones, discount to such notable fails like Coranor.

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Resources 2011-03-13 06:16:08 Corporation Description
Alliance Turdz Asshatz N Grieferz Member 0
Corporation Poor Old Ornery nOObs Member 50
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