Corporation - Description - 2011-03-15 14:34:03 - Live Ticker



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 We are an Amarr Empire Loyalist Corporation acting in support of the Amarr Navy. We are a Friendly Corp that seeks cooperative group oriented pilots. We provide our own Corparation Ventrilo Server which we use actively. We are an Amarr Empire Loyalist Corporation acting in support of the Amarr Navy. We are a Friendly Corp that seeks cooperative group oriented pilots. We provide our own Corparation Ventrilo Server which we use actively.
 We currently ingage in: We currently ingage in:
 -LvL1-4 Fleet Mission Running -LvL1-4 Fleet Mission Running
 -C1-C3 Wormhole Ops -C1-C3 Wormhole Ops
 -Mining Ops -Mining Ops
 -Industry/Production -Industry/Production
 -Low/Null Sec Ratting -Low/Null Sec Ratting
 Our Interests lie more toward the PVE-end of things but with a future goal of Factional Warfare for the Amarr Militia. Our Interests lie more toward the PVE-end of things but with a future goal of Factional Warfare for the Amarr Militia.
 We use a military based rank structure and have both active and reserve military members. So military personnel are definitely welcome. We use a military based rank structure and have both active and reserve military members. So military personnel are definitely welcome.
 CEO: Lviath Kahn CEO: Lviath Kahn
-Director of Personnel Managment: Fleet Admrial Inqr13 +Director of Personnel Managment: Admrial Inqr13
 Director Of Combat Operations: Admiral Elen Cole Director Of Combat Operations: Admiral Elen Cole
 Industry Director: Open Industry Director: Open

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Resources 2011-03-15 14:34:03 Corporation Description
Corporation Royal Imperial Navy Reserves Member 21
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