Corporation - Description - 2011-03-23 06:18:50 - Live Ticker



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-Arekin Piggy bank is a group of friendly members who help each other out, do things together and generally have fun while trying to achieve our goals. +Arekin Piggy Bank is a group of friendly members who help each other out, do things together and generally have fun while trying to achieve our goals.
 +After a successfull six month expedition into wormhole space we want to grow and expand our memberbase.
 +What do we have to offer to our members?
 +• Friendly/relaxed atmosphere
 +• Advice on all parts of eve
 +• Help with missions
 +• 5% Corp tax
 +• Access to Lvl 4 agents, Caldari Navy, Corporate Police Force and more.
-Our main activities are mining/manufacturing, mission running and the ocassional PVP operation.+• Empire mining operations with Orca support + refining
 +• Free use of researched corp BPO’s if minerals are provided, or order ships at a discount
 +• Wormhole possibilities: C4/C5 sleeper sites, ABC ore mining, PVP (Full API key required)
 +• Private Teamspeak 3 server
 +Where do we live?
 +• Base of operations in empire: The Citadel, Caldari State
 +• Wormhole: Class 5.
 +What are we looking for?
 +• Social people who like to have a chat and laugh
 +• At least a couple of hours a week online
 +• New and experienced players
 +• Age 18+ (Exceptions possible)
 +• European timezone
 +We are accepting new and experienced members into our ranks. We are currently looking for new members to join us! Check out our public channel: ‘Arekin Piggy Bank’ if you’re interested!
-We are accepting new and experienced members into our ranks. We are currently on a invitation only recruitment policy.+Contact Jack Regolo, Zoidbergh or Alpha7 Bravo13 for more information or to get your application accepted.

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Resources 2011-03-23 06:18:50 Corporation Description
Alliance Arekin Syndicate Member 0
Corporation Arekin Piggy Bank Member 2
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API J:25 Feb 00:57 K:25 Feb 00:43 C:25 Feb 00:00 A:25 Feb 01:03 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:25 Feb 00:59 S:25 Feb 00:36 W:25 Feb 00:13