Corporation - Description - 2011-04-11 06:00:30 - Live Ticker



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 +EST in 2008 we are a relaxed and helpful environment for focused PVPers and Missioners. Our corp specializes in indoctrinating new players to eve by providing discounted skill books, a selection of discounted ships and frequent ops in pvp missions and deep space exploration. We will accept miners and industrial pilots on a case by case basis. Take advanage of our knowledge and experience to not only learn how to play eve but to do so for free!
 +We use ventrillo for coms and we reserve the right to protect our interests. War decs are common but we will help with mercs and good advice on how not to die (you gotta learn somehwere).
 +There is no requirement for skill points as well as no limit to number of accounts to join or players in corp. We do however require that every applicant place theit limited api key and 7 digit user id in the body of their app plus a quick blur about themselves.
 For those who don't know who Guy Fawkes was, he was the chap who tried to blow up the British paliament many moons ago, and he is the subject of Fireworks Night in the UK. For those who don't know who Guy Fawkes was, he was the chap who tried to blow up the British paliament many moons ago, and he is the subject of Fireworks Night in the UK.
 GFTF Recruit - Our Public Channel GFTF Recruit - Our Public Channel
 Contact Pepperspice for corp info Contact Pepperspice for corp info
 Corp Diplomat Bl4ck Widow Corp Diplomat Bl4ck Widow
 We require limited API and user number for all new recruits! We require limited API and user number for all new recruits!

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Resources 2011-04-11 06:00:30 Corporation Description
Alliance 31ST Reliables Division Member 0
Corporation Guy Fawkes Trust Fund Member 13
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API J:25 Feb 15:57 K:25 Feb 15:43 C:25 Feb 16:00 A:25 Feb 16:39 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:25 Feb 16:29 S:25 Feb 16:37 W:25 Feb 16:14