Corporation - Description - 2011-04-13 08:06:29 - Live Ticker



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-Distant Light Galactic is an industrial corporation based in the Otawasa constellation of the Citadel region. Part of the greater whole that comprises Ishukone-Raata, DLG's mission is to provide raw and processed materials for production of all manner of alliance assets, from modules to ships, and eventually for entire stations. +Distant Light Galactic is an industrial corporation based in the Otawasa constellation of the Citadel region. DLG's mission is to provide raw and processed materials for production of all manner of assets, from modules to ships, and eventually for entire stations.
 DLG is currently seeking pilots with at least some experience in either blueprint management/R&D, mining and manufacturing, material and product transport, and security operations. If interested, feel free to submit an application or contact Yoshitaka Moromuo directly via mail. DLG is currently seeking pilots with at least some experience in either blueprint management/R&D, mining and manufacturing, material and product transport, and security operations. If interested, feel free to submit an application or contact Yoshitaka Moromuo directly via mail.

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Resources 2011-04-13 08:06:29 Corporation Description
Corporation Distant Light Galactic Member 4
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