Corporation - Description - 2011-04-25 08:09:05 - Live Ticker


  • Corporation Rogue. has changed their description


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 Ok sooooo Rogue is a Industry / production / Small Gang PVP corp. We are a close group that like to have fun and get the most out of this game that we can.  Ok sooooo Rogue is a Industry / production / Small Gang PVP corp. We are a close group that like to have fun and get the most out of this game that we can.
 We are looking for We are looking for
 * Trust Worthy members * Trust Worthy members
 * Self Sufficient members that are not looking for a hand out * Self Sufficient members that are not looking for a hand out
 * People that like Mining and Production * People that like Mining and Production
 * people that like small gang pvp * people that like small gang pvp
 * Mission runners are welcome as well we have a low tax rate and dont plan changing that  * Mission runners are welcome as well we have a low tax rate and dont plan changing that
 * Haulers and Transporters are welcome * Haulers and Transporters are welcome

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Resources 2011-04-25 08:09:05 Corporation Description
Corporation Rogue. Member 4
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