Corporation - Description - 2011-05-08 08:07:52 - Live Ticker



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 +-SERVICE- This is a concept that we instill within the very fiber of every pilot in this corporation. Wether that be through flying at our brothers' wing or transporting ore from belt to station, each capsuleer who is elected to fill our ranks will learn not only how to live in this ever-changing universe but will also be able to fly soundly knowing that their family and their service towards others will carry them safely home.
-Welcome to the front page of the new and reformed Bright Star Command, If you would like to get in contact with us please contact the CEO or Calimonia+By reading these words alone, you have already made the first leap towards your own New Eden. Now take the final step and let Calimonia hear your call for freedom!

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Resources 2011-05-08 08:07:52 Corporation Description
Corporation Bright Star Command Member 9
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