| Absentminded - The Mining Corporation. | | Absentminded - The Mining Corporation. |
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| Hello Pilots, | | Hello Pilots, |
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| Absentminded offers a variaty of jobs for the starting and advanced players. | | Absentminded offers a variaty of jobs for the starting and advanced players. |
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| -Mining: The Backbone of the EVE Universe. | | -Mining: The Backbone of the EVE Universe. |
- | -Hauling: For Operations, To/From Refinerys, Etc.
| + | -Hauling: For Operations, To/From Refineries, Etc.
| -Protection: For lowsec Mining Operations. | | -Protection: For lowsec Mining Operations. |
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| This is ofc. a short list. We offer mining equipment, skills and ships to dedicated miners. | | This is ofc. a short list. We offer mining equipment, skills and ships to dedicated miners. |
| Unprocessed Ore will be bought by the Company in Bulk. | | Unprocessed Ore will be bought by the Company in Bulk. |
- | Those who join mining opperations under direction of the Company will be paid in ISK for services rendered.
| + | Those who join mining operations under direction of the Company will be paid in ISK for services rendered.
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| When mining for yourself, keep an eye on the corporate contracts. They might interest you. | | When mining for yourself, keep an eye on the corporate contracts. They might interest you. |
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| Absentminded Corporate HQ is located in Ebo, | | Absentminded Corporate HQ is located in Ebo, |
| This is the base of opperations for all mining ops. | | This is the base of opperations for all mining ops. |
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| We have Offices in Danyana, Narai, Hilaban. | | We have Offices in Danyana, Narai, Hilaban. |