Corporation - Description - 2011-05-16 08:06:38 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Holding Corp,+Data Research is for all those who have ever wanted to join a highly focused, organized and dedicated corporation involved in all aspects of New Eden. Utilizing the real world skills of it's members, DRFC will ensure stability among it's members, aswell as a tightly knit community.
-Not Recruiting+- Recruitment
 +Recruitment Is NOW OPEN. Please Join the channel ZIGA ZAGA to chat to us.
 +Data Research is a corporation for mature gamers who are expected to a show a level of common curtousey to members and others. All members are expected to show a certain level of activity aswell as an ability to go beyond what should normally be expected of them.
 +We are currently multi timezone focused corporation, but we are in the process of increasing all timezone branches.
 +If you would like to apply to Data Research Freedom Corp or have any inquiries, please join "Ziga Zaga" Channel or Mail any of our recruiters: Juan Forner, Aimee Maiar
 +- Goals
 +Short Term:
 +* Increase EU Count
 +* Increase US count
 +* Establish Combat Efficiency Among All Players to effectively run Incursion Sites
 +Long Term:
 +* Establish A Presence In 0.0 Sector
 +* Become Capital Ship Capable

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Resources 2011-05-16 08:06:38 Corporation Description
Corporation Data Research Freedom Corp Member 4
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