Corporation - Description - 2022-05-07 08:49:40 - Live Ticker



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 A corporation of Industrial capsuleers (with teeth).  A corporation of Industrial capsuleers (with teeth).
 We are a fully equpiped industrial corporation with operations in many parts of space. We are a fully equpiped industrial corporation with operations in many parts of space.
-We are seeking "Hive minded" people who want to be part of a dedicated mining team to join our corp. If you're interested in joining or just want to say a friendly hello, join AUBS Public. We are newbro friendly, all welcome to join and chat. +We are seeking "Hive minded" people who want to be part of a dedicated mining team to join our corp. If you're interested in joining or just want to say a friendly hello, join AUBS.Pub or AUBS Discord. We are newbro friendly, all are welcome to join and chat.
-15070P3 - CEO & Founder +15070P3 CEO
-Bigrex - Director & Head FC 
 +Draksi Vonholle AUTZ Director & Recruiter
 +Smash Diedrich USTZ Director & Recruiter
-Marf James - Recruitment (AUBS Public)+Marf James AUTZ Recruiter
 +Seregil Maul USTZ Recruiter
-Any of the above - AUBS Diplomat+Corp Diplomat: Any of the above
 Requirements Requirements
 * Omega account * Omega account
 * Must want to defend what you wan't to maintain. * Must want to defend what you wan't to maintain.
-* Mandatory Teamspeak w/Microphone when in game. +* Mandatory Discord and Mumble w/Microphone when in game.
-* Must be in standing fleet when in game. 
 +* Discord for out of game coordination and text communication.
 We are very selective about our recruiting. We are very selective about our recruiting.
-Uninvited/unsolicited applications rejected. +Uninvited/unsolicited applications rejected/ignored.

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Resources 2022-05-07 08:49:40 Corporation Description
Alliance Militaires-Sans-Frontieres. Member 0
Corporation Australian Belt Strippers Member 52
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