Corporation - Description - 2011-05-19 08:01:54 - Live Ticker



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 1) Must be Active at least 5 hours a week and participate in all mandatory corp operations. 1) Must be Active at least 5 hours a week and participate in all mandatory corp operations.
-2) Have a minimum of 8 mill skill points and have a focus in a specific PvP plan rather than spread skill points. +2) Have a minimum of 8 mill skill points and have a focus in a specific area of PvP.
 3) Be self-sufficient and able to make enough isk to keep your wallet stable. 3) Be self-sufficient and able to make enough isk to keep your wallet stable.
-4) Must have a working headset / speakers, you dont have to talk but you DO have to be able to hear the FC. +4) Must have a working headset / speakers, you dont have to talk but you DO have to be able to hear the FC. (Ventrilo)
 5) Security Status must be Managed. You need to be able to move through systems without NPC agression. 5) Security Status must be Managed. You need to be able to move through systems without NPC agression.

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Resources 2011-05-19 08:01:54 Corporation Description
Alliance D'Haran Empire. Member 0
Corporation Universal Conflict Member 15
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