Corporation - Description - 2011-05-24 08:20:02 - Live Ticker



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 +Kally's charms lead to endearment, her legs lead to stress in the underpants and her personality leads to applications (how the fuck did I end up here??). and oh yes then we have zentor who has more isk than CCP and 3xc4libuR who blows everything up. wanna be part of the crew? try sending in an application.
 +No answer = nice try but no cigar
 +We like jews they tend to make lots of money- remember blowing stuff up and gathering resources to blow stuff up is our sole purpose of existence (MAD security for our jetcan miners) if anything else is going on it means we chilling & 3xc and kally r having intimate conversations and useless worpmhole pve and such is happening pls dnd unless theres trouble.
-Doubt leads to hesitation, hesitation leads to failure and failure leads to an early grave. So when in doubt... open fire.+First 10 applications receuve fully fitted n00b pvp rifter contact 3xc41ibuR
 +Yes Kalrissia is as hot as you think

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