Corporation - Description - 2011-06-03 08:11:29 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Invictus Mortalis is a training corp for newer players who want to get into 0.0 space. This corp is designed to guide new players into the correct skill sets and abilities to survive live in null sec. +Invictus Mortalis is a training corp for newer players who want to get into 0.0 Alliance warfare. This corp is designed to guide new players into the correct skill sets and abilities to survive and live in 0.0 security space.
 Recruitment Requirements Recruitment Requirements
--Activly plays.+-Active players.
 -Teamspeak 3 and able to talk. -Teamspeak 3 and able to talk.
--PVP or Combat focused.+-Any time zone welcome.
 +-Interested in PVP and Fleets.
 Once you have met corp training and SP goals, you'll be offered the oportunity to join an established null sec corp. Once you have met corp training and SP goals, you'll be offered the oportunity to join an established null sec corp.
 To Apply, join channel: Invictus Public To Apply, join channel: Invictus Public

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Resources 2011-06-03 08:11:29 Corporation Description
Corporation Invictus Mortalis Member 5
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