Corporation - Description - 2011-06-07 08:17:57 - Live Ticker



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 We are a corp looking for new members. We are a fun dedicated corp, we understand here that everyone as a real life that comes before this game. We are growing fast and need your help to grow this as much as we can. We are a militia dedicated in making each other rich and powerful :). Long live the Universal Deathdealing Militia!!! We are a corp looking for new members. We are a fun dedicated corp, we understand here that everyone as a real life that comes before this game. We are growing fast and need your help to grow this as much as we can. We are a militia dedicated in making each other rich and powerful :). Long live the Universal Deathdealing Militia!!!
 +Diplomatic Contact: Light's Banker

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Resources 2011-06-07 08:17:57 Corporation Description
Corporation Universal Deathdealing Militia Member 0
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