Corporation - Description - 2011-06-08 08:10:22 - Live Ticker



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 High Technology And Engineering is mainly a industrial, research and mission running corporation. High Technology And Engineering is mainly a industrial, research and mission running corporation.
 We offer zero tax on missions, High security POS access, Discount on manufactured T2 items, Mining ops and Mission support. We offer zero tax on missions, High security POS access, Discount on manufactured T2 items, Mining ops and Mission support.
 NOTE: All inactive members will be fired, only exception are key members. NOTE: All inactive members will be fired, only exception are key members.
 We are looking for: We are looking for:
 *Active players *Active players
 *Mission runners *Mission runners
 *Miners *Miners
-*All empty applications will be rejected 
 Applications: Applications:
 +*All empty applications will be rejected
 *No old war targets *No old war targets
 *No Skillpoint limit so old and new players are welcome *No Skillpoint limit so old and new players are welcome
 *No API need to join *No API need to join
-*Low and Null sec pvp are allowed 
-*Ransoming is allowed and all ransom must be honored 
 We are not pirates or grifers, so: We are not pirates or grifers, so:
 +*Low and Null sec pvp are allowed
 +*Ransoming is allowed and all ransom must be honored
 *No High sec pvp unless war. *No High sec pvp unless war.
 *No scamming *No scamming
 *No use of exploits *No use of exploits
 *No wardec's if not for friendly support *No wardec's if not for friendly support
 *No flipping or suicide bombing *No flipping or suicide bombing
 *Don't smacktalk too much (Don't be a lame asshole, thats all) *Don't smacktalk too much (Don't be a lame asshole, thats all)
 *No baiting or mission ninja *No baiting or mission ninja
 Recruitment Chat: HIghTech Rec Recruitment Chat: HIghTech Rec
 Recruitment is OPEN Recruitment is OPEN

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Resources 2011-06-08 08:10:22 Corporation Description
Alliance Knights Collective Member 63
Corporation High Technology And Engineering Member 2
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