Corporation - Description - 2011-06-09 08:18:07 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Almega Enterprizes Almega Enterprizes
 "Alpha and Omega" "Alpha and Omega"
 Recruitment Status: Open Recruitment Recruitment Status: Open Recruitment
 +Assumed Combat Statis: NBSI
 Almega Enterprizes is an organized corporation entirely based on the Members. Almega Enterprizes is an organized corporation entirely based on the Members.
 We Value That: We Value That:
 * Real Life Comes First * Real Life Comes First
 * you Help your fellow corpmates when requested; and * you Help your fellow corpmates when requested; and
 * You seize the moment in both terms of Enterprise and leadership * You seize the moment in both terms of Enterprise and leadership
 We're primarily looking for, We're primarily looking for,
 Missioners, Miners, and Explorers Missioners, Miners, and Explorers
 No PvP experience required No PvP experience required
-We're fun, tight nigt, and are looking for more to join the team.+We Pay our Miners, and we have an insurance program for ships lost on Corporate operations.
-NBSI+We're fun, tight nigt, and are looking for more to join the team.
 If your interested, If your interested,
 Contact Hector Bladeder Contact Hector Bladeder

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Resources 2011-06-09 08:18:07 Corporation Description
Alliance Cadavera Innumera Alliance Member 0
Corporation Almega Enterprizes Member 19
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