Corporation - Description - 2022-07-18 19:28:47 - Live Ticker



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-EERRRRR..................... Well we build and supply Wile E Coyote with all his Road Runner Catching Gear... tell us what we can make for you today. Garunteed delivery! +u'EERRRRR..................... Well we build and supply Wile E Coyote with all his Road Runner Catching Gear... tell us what we can make for you today. Garunteed delivery!
 Now for an Endorsement from one of our longtime standing customers. Now for an Endorsement from one of our longtime standing customers.
-Hi My name is "The Evil Scientist" and you might remember me from the Bugs Bunnyâ„¢ cartoons. Well I just wanted to endorse Acme hardware, all my equipment is made by them, and so should yours be... call Acme hardware for your scientific needs today, I did. +Hi My name is "The Evil Scientist" and you might remember me from the Bugs Bunny\u2122 cartoons. Well I just wanted to endorse Acme hardware, all my equipment is made by them, and so should yours be... call Acme hardware for your scientific needs today, I did.
-You may wanna ask us about employment tho we have a pretty select staff who have passed IQ psychometric and humour checks (spelling optional) ... but we may be on the look out now and then for another in-patient ... oops I mean co-worker :) +You may wanna ask us about employment tho we have a pretty select staff who have passed IQ, psychometric and humour checks (spelling optional) ... but we may be on the look out now and then for another in-patient ... oops I mean co-worker :)
 Any legally diplomatic type stuff can be addressed to our big boss lady or better still pester our acting task master - Dario Kaelenter  Any legally diplomatic type stuff can be addressed to our big boss lady or better still pester our acting task master - Dario Kaelenter
 +Please Have a Cookie'

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Resources 2022-07-18 19:28:47 Corporation Description
Alliance Exxitium Member 52
Corporation ACME HARDWARE Member 29
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