Corporation - Description - 2011-06-20 08:23:42 - Live Ticker



Old New
-PAX AMARRIA INDUSTRIES is a growing corporation which we are looking to expand. We are a friendly and social corporation that is involved in mining, manufacturing, mission running and pvp. We have many Dutch players but also look for English speaking players. We have a Teamspeak 3 server which is available to all members. +PAX AMARRIA INDUSTRIES is a growing corporation which we are looking to expand. We are a friendly and social corporation that is involved in mining, manufacturing, mission running and pvp. Our high sec operations are based in Amarr Empire mostly Domain region. We have many Dutch players but also look for English speaking players. We have a Teamspeak 3 server which is available to all members.
 New players welcome. New players welcome.
 What we want: What we want:
-Missioners and industrial types of all shapes and sizes. +Missioners, miners and industrial types of all shapes and sizes.
 Pvp players that would like to help us grow in our alliance. Pvp players that would like to help us grow in our alliance.
 Friendly and loyal players Friendly and loyal players
 People who want to be part of something People who want to be part of something
 What you can expect from us: What you can expect from us:
 Support - Training - Advice Support - Training - Advice
 Lvl 4 mission support Lvl 4 mission support
 Mining Fleet Boost Mining Fleet Boost
 Experienced alliance  Experienced alliance
 Pvp fleets - training - advice Pvp fleets - training - advice
 If you are interested in growing with us, contact any of our directors If you are interested in growing with us, contact any of our directors
 Phantom Archer - ceo Phantom Archer - ceo
 Pri0r0fthe0ri - space scavanger - dir Pri0r0fthe0ri - space scavanger - dir
 Djoni ann - dir/recruiter Djoni ann - dir/recruiter
 public channel - PAX AMARRIA INDUSTRIES public channel - PAX AMARRIA INDUSTRIES

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Resources 2011-06-20 08:23:42 Corporation Description
Alliance The Unthinkables Member 0
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