Corporation - Description - 2011-06-29 08:23:04 - Live Ticker



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-Contacts -~ Lumari ::  
 Pub Chat -- tittybar' Pub Chat -- tittybar'
 ------------------------ ------------------------
 A game is a place to get away from your work day or even if your bored. We are a relaxed corp with personality. We dont control you or the ships you fly. We dont tell you what you have to train or what time you need to be on. This is your game you play it how you want. A game is a place to get away from your work day or even if your bored. We are a relaxed corp with personality. We dont control you or the ships you fly. We dont tell you what you have to train or what time you need to be on. This is your game you play it how you want.
-What we offer as a corporation. 
------------------------------ +---------------------
-This corp focous on YOU. Meaning what do you want to do.what do you want to see. etc. 
--- What we offer -- 
--We provide ammo of all sorts to its members whom earn it.  
--Level 5 missions ( 40k to 70k lp ) 
 -0.0 roams -0.0 roams
--Trivia Nights with Faction rewards 
 -Empire Wars -Empire Wars
-Our biggest thing that we offer is the saying.. " What comes around goes around " you help the corp grow and we will help you in your personal goals one way or another. +----------------------
 What we expect of you. What we expect of you.
------------------------ +----------------------
 +Be muture, Be yourself. Communicate, and have fun.
-Be muture, Be yourself. Communicate, and have fun. 
 -Requirments to join are a must. NO EXCEPTIONS! -Requirments to join are a must. NO EXCEPTIONS!
 -IRL age 21+ -IRL age 21+
--2 mil sp min. +-5 mil sp min.
 -Self sufficient -Self sufficient
 -Have fun. -Have fun.
 +-Bring your own ammo, ship & isk
 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
 If ur here to to talk about joining heres a few things to knw.. If ur here to to talk about joining heres a few things to knw..
 1- RL then gaming, we all have families and RLs, so it np if ur not around for a day or 2 for RL  1- RL then gaming, we all have families and RLs, so it np if ur not around for a day or 2 for RL
 2- Were here to have fun, were laid back. we drink, we bust on each other and we love internet spaceships 2- Were here to have fun, were laid back. we drink, we bust on each other and we love internet spaceships

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Resources 2011-06-29 08:23:04 Corporation Description
Corporation COLD FURY FUSION Member 37
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