Corporation - Description - 2011-07-06 08:45:18 - Live Ticker



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 Player Recruiters: Taureau, Zangala Ashes, Metalcali Player Recruiters: Taureau, Zangala Ashes, Metalcali
 To view diplos/recruiters for the alliance, please view alliance info. To view diplos/recruiters for the alliance, please view alliance info.
 - We are an international corporation - We are an international corporation
-- We strive to do everything that interests us in this game.- We do not have any quotas or skill requirements. +- We strive to do everything that interests us in this game.
 +- We do not have any quotas or skill requirements.
 - We have no mandatory CTAs or kills per month. - We have no mandatory CTAs or kills per month.
 - We like to have fun, and require all members use TeamSpeak 3. - We like to have fun, and require all members use TeamSpeak 3.
 - Corporation Motto... "Get a Mic, or take a Hike!" or as our resident Russian says "Get Mike or go Hike" - Corporation Motto... "Get a Mic, or take a Hike!" or as our resident Russian says "Get Mike or go Hike"
 - If you are on a trial, we can assist you until you are off of it. - If you are on a trial, we can assist you until you are off of it.

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Resources 2011-07-06 08:45:18 Corporation Description
Alliance Innovia Alliance Member 0
Corporation Innovia Member 0
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