Corporation - Description - 2011-07-26 08:23:15 - Live Ticker



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-The Black Iron Core is hiring budding Miners, Mission runners and Wormhole Explorers. +At the moment, The Black Iron Core is only hiring budding Miners, Mission runners and Wormhole Explorers, at invites from ourside
-We Offer you the chance to work closely with our members, voice your opinions and strive to make changes both personally and as a group. Our goals are simple, to mine, mission and explore WH's to build ships, PVP and expand. +If you are invited, we Offer you the chance to work closely with our members, voice your opinions and strive to make changes both personally and as a group. Our goals are simple, to mine, mission and explore WH's to build ships, PVP and expand.
-If you're a Miner, Mission runner or manufacturer, please don't hesitate to talk to one of our fine directors or CEO. 
-Killermuppet - CEO+krakass - CEO
 Rallye Ray - Founder and Director Rallye Ray - Founder and Director
-Nibbamarr - Director +Nibbamarr - co-Director
 If you have trouble getting hold of any of the above names, leave one of us a private mail and we'll get back to you.. make sure you title it appropriately. If you have trouble getting hold of any of the above names, leave one of us a private mail and we'll get back to you.. make sure you title it appropriately.
 Thank-You for reading this! Thank-You for reading this!
 Please note, you are subject to checks by us as we only want the best people for this corp! Please note, you are subject to checks by us as we only want the best people for this corp!

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Resources 2011-07-26 08:23:15 Corporation Description
Alliance Fall From Grace. Member 46
Corporation the black iron core Member 8
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