Corporation - Description - 2011-07-27 08:21:04 - Live Ticker



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 FabriTec has 5 years game and fleet experience with members in mixed timezones (USA, UK, AUS). FabriTec has 5 years game and fleet experience with members in mixed timezones (USA, UK, AUS).
 Our members operate out of hisec and our corp has contacts in 0.0 for fleet roams and nullsec industry. Our members primarily do missions, industry and piracy for fun and profit. Our members operate out of hisec and our corp has contacts in 0.0 for fleet roams and nullsec industry. Our members primarily do missions, industry and piracy for fun and profit.
 Our members do whatever they like and our industrial division provides ships, mods and ammo. FabriTec Industry is available for corporate and alliance industrial contracts. Our members do whatever they like and our industrial division provides ships, mods and ammo. FabriTec Industry is available for corporate and alliance industrial contracts.
 If you live, fight and die with us, you reap the rewards. Slackers are not wanted. If you live, fight and die with us, you reap the rewards. Slackers are not wanted.
-We provide:+
 Agents (epic arcs) Agents (epic arcs)
 Hisec living Hisec living
 Ships Ships
 Mods Mods
 Ammo Ammo
 Regular corporate dividend payouts Regular corporate dividend payouts
 Friendly environment Friendly environment
 Alliance contacts Alliance contacts
 Limited API Limited API
 No skillpoint minimum (no trial accounts) No skillpoint minimum (no trial accounts)
 Microphone & Teamspeak 3 Microphone & Teamspeak 3
 Maturity Maturity
 Active participation Active participation
 Notice of absenses longer than 1 month Notice of absenses longer than 1 month
-What we do not want:+
 Drama Drama
 Scammers Scammers
 Corp thieves Corp thieves
 Laziness Laziness
-Contact Kalos Beila , Winter Elyse , Gamerscd for more info join FABRITEC LOBBY +Contact Kalos Beila , Winter Elyse , Gamerscd for more info join FABRITEC LOBBY chat channel

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Resources 2011-07-27 08:21:04 Corporation Description
Corporation FabriTec Member 7
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API J:27 Mar 11:50 K:27 Mar 11:55 C:27 Mar 12:19 A:27 Mar 12:18 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 11:58 S:27 Mar 11:51 W:27 Mar 12:15