Corporation - Description - 2022-10-29 21:38:09 - Live Ticker



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 TPUX is a null sec corp and a proud member of Test Alliance Please Ignore. TPUX is a null sec corp and a proud member of Test Alliance Please Ignore.
 Actively fighting and recruiting in the USTZ and EUTZ. Actively fighting and recruiting in the USTZ and EUTZ.
 We offer: We offer:
 -PvP in all forms, with an emphasis on small to midscale content -PvP in all forms, with an emphasis on small to midscale content
 -Excellent moons and ratting space for income -Excellent moons and ratting space for income
 -Active leadership with a tight-knit community -Active leadership with a tight-knit community
 We require: We require:
 -Participation in PvP fleets -Participation in PvP fleets
 -Social and active in our community -Social and active in our community
 -Thick skin and maturity -Thick skin and maturity
 -7.5m sp minimum -7.5m sp minimum
 -ESI background check -ESI background check
-CEO: Lee Spicer 
-Directors: Ohji, Rhaegar Targaryen2 +CEO: Rhaegar Targaryen2
 +Directors: Esa Sirober
 Always happy to chat! Always happy to chat!
 TPUX Recruitment  TPUX Recruitment

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Resources 2022-10-29 21:38:09 Corporation Description
Alliance Test Alliance Please Ignore Member 4012
Corporation The Phoenix Uprising Member 70
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