Corporation - Description - 2011-08-13 09:09:22 - Live Ticker



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 We're a small outfit, primarily mining and missioning, but we dabble in whatever catches our attention. This is a laid back group of casual players that understands real life comes first. We don't require members to participate in fleet ops or anything else if they dont want to. We also do not have an sp limit, and we have a 5% tax rate. New players are very welcome to join!  We're a small outfit, primarily mining and missioning, but we dabble in whatever catches our attention. This is a laid back group of casual players that understands real life comes first. We don't require members to participate in fleet ops or anything else if they dont want to. We also do not have an sp limit, and we have a 5% tax rate. New players are very welcome to join!
 We do have Orca supported (Large Fleet Bonus) mining Ops and lvl 4 Caldari Navy mission running We do have Orca supported (Large Fleet Bonus) mining Ops and lvl 4 Caldari Navy mission running
 We provide: We provide:
 1. Guidance on how to start making ISKs via mining and mission running 1. Guidance on how to start making ISKs via mining and mission running
 2, Corporate Hangar Access 2, Corporate Hangar Access
 3. Mining ships and equipment to use (Procurer, Retriever & Covetor) 3. Mining ships and equipment to use (Procurer, Retriever & Covetor)
 4. ISK loans to help you ramp up more quickly  4. ISK loans to help you ramp up more quickly
 5. Discounts on some mining and mission ships 5. Discounts on some mining and mission ships
-*Mining pilots that are capable of flying mining barges, exhumers and Orcas are a plus 
-*Mission pilots that are capable of flying any battlecruisers, battleships or strategic cruisers are a plus 
 For more details contact gir420 or join our public channel 'DHM' and chat with us. For more details contact gir420 or join our public channel 'DHM' and chat with us.
 When applying for membership, please include the following information on your application: When applying for membership, please include the following information on your application:
 -How you found us -How you found us
 -Specialization and interests -Specialization and interests
 -Ships of note you can fly -Ships of note you can fly
 -What you are looking for in a corp -What you are looking for in a corp
  Have fun  Have fun
  &  &
  Fly safe  Fly safe

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Resources 2011-08-13 09:09:22 Corporation Description
Alliance Exploratory Armaments Syndicate Member 0
Corporation Dark Harvest Mining Co. Member 8
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