Corporation - Description - 2011-09-11 08:27:11 - Live Ticker



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-Urban Monkey Warfare is looking for pvpers that want to fight in high sec.+Urban Monkey is now accepting applications. In order to join you will need to be able to do at least two of the following:
-We destroy corporations because we can, and especially if we get paid for it. 
-In order to join you will need the following:+- Be willing to move to Galliente Space
-- Submit API key with application. 
-- Minimum 1,500,000 SP 
 +- Mine Roids and Ice
 +- Solo lvl 3 missions
 - Behave as a civilized individual (sometimes) - Behave as a civilized individual (sometimes)
 Why chose us? Why chose us?
 +- New Players Welcome!!!
 +- We will pay you to mine.
-Because we kill stuff. Sometimes for fun, sometimes because we are bored, and sometimes because we get paid to.+- After 30 days, we offer benifits.
-Low Sec roams and almost constant war is guaranteed.+Weekly Ops! Sometimes Daily!
 Restrictions apply, see corp for details. Offer void where prohibited. Restrictions apply, see corp for details. Offer void where prohibited.
 +Join URBN CHAT for details or contact SLACKER III
-If no one is on, please feel free to shoot an e-mail to Mark Pollack+Limited API key is required. Please submit with your applicication.

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Resources 2011-09-11 08:27:11 Corporation Description
Corporation Urban Monkey Warfare Member 5
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