Corporation - Description - 2011-09-16 08:06:35 - Live Ticker



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-Ah Capsuleer's, I see you have questions. Let us help answer those shall we yes?  
-We are a corp of Miners, Missioners, Killers and Opportunist. +Clonz is closing. Recruitment office is bored up and locked.
-We are an ever growing legion of demigods. Yes Capsuleer you to are one of those. We are the chosen few who can be eternal. Exciting isn't it. 
-I see in your eyes the next question yes? Immortality.. Do you want this? Hmm I think you do. We all do.  
-Hmmm still have doubts? Your thinking what is the catch yes? None. We are brothers and sisters who enjoy EVE universe through a system of trust, loyalty and just having fun. 
-Still more questions Capsuleer? That is good. We accept most application from newborns and ancients deities. We like to filter out those who are corrupted or damaged. Universe can be very unforgiving to those who have been exposed to long or mutilated by mundanes.  
-Let us help each other become gods.  
-Join Clonz (Capsuleer Legions of New Eden)! 

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Resources 2011-09-16 08:06:35 Corporation Description
Corporation Capsuleer Legions Of New Eden Member 0
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