Corporation - Description - 2011-09-17 14:01:03 - Live Ticker



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 5er3nity Inc are currently recruiting! 5er3nity Inc are currently recruiting!
 == We offer == == We offer ==
 * Very active PVE division * Very active PVE division
 * Fleet operations for Level 4 missions - Now Daily! * Fleet operations for Level 4 missions - Now Daily!
 * Low 5.0% tax rate * Low 5.0% tax rate
 * Experienced at running Level 5 missions * Experienced at running Level 5 missions
 * Experienced at plex running 5/10, 6/10 & 7/10 * Experienced at plex running 5/10, 6/10 & 7/10
 Mining: Mining:
 * Mining operations with Exhumer / Orca support * Mining operations with Exhumer / Orca support
 * Covert ops pilots that scan down Lowsec ores within Highsec areas * Covert ops pilots that scan down Lowsec ores within Highsec areas
 * Player base capable of manufacturing all ships, excluding Titans. * Player base capable of manufacturing all ships, excluding Titans.
 More: More:
-* Current base of operations - Penirgman (Highsec) - Antem (Lowsec) +* Current base of operations - Penirgman (Highsec)
 * Very active recruitment program with additional pilots signing up weekly * Very active recruitment program with additional pilots signing up weekly
 * Bi-monthly corporation special events to promote PVP ie Tournaments * Bi-monthly corporation special events to promote PVP ie Tournaments
 * Corp Purchase Scheme - PI Goods, Salvage, Mins etc *NEW* * Corp Purchase Scheme - PI Goods, Salvage, Mins etc *NEW*
 * No Enforced Operations * No Enforced Operations
 * Training and advice for new players both in game or externally via corp forum * Training and advice for new players both in game or externally via corp forum
 * No SP limit (must not be on trial) * No SP limit (must not be on trial)
 * Mature players, good friends * Mature players, good friends
 * Non-agressive culture * Non-agressive culture
 *** All applicants will have a brief interview with a ranking officer and a limited API check before their application can be accepted. *** *** All applicants will have a brief interview with a ranking officer and a limited API check before their application can be accepted. ***
 Join the channel '5er3nity Public' or evemail one of the guys below for more information! Join the channel '5er3nity Public' or evemail one of the guys below for more information!
 Contacts: Contacts:
-Opt1mu5Pr1me - CEO 
 Stevo76 - Director Stevo76 - Director
-Jadefired - Associate Director - Diplomatic Relations+Jeinvay Kunsu - Personel Manager
 Bad Mojoe - Mission Foreman Bad Mojoe - Mission Foreman
-Naecal - Mission Foreman 
-Jussarafinissi Pomeroy - Mining Foreman 
-Desco Ender - Mining Foreman 
-Ezrei - Recruitment Officer 

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Resources 2011-09-17 14:01:03 Corporation Description
Alliance War and Pestilence Member 72
Corporation 5ER3NITY INC Member 15
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