Corporation - Description - 2011-09-18 08:03:39 - Live Ticker



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-S0am is a PvP corp and carebear's we are looking for pilots who share the same sense of morality. . The core leadership is veteran and exp and the membership consists of pilots in ALL tz's. TF is looking for PvP pilots who want to go pew pew in 0.0!  
-We are more laid back then some this is because many of us have families so we understand that RL comes first, and so we do not have "mandatory ops". Though we do require you to attend fleets or respond to members in need when you are able. We would like pilots who have 0.0 exp but are willing to take those in who want to exp 0.0 for the first time. 
-What we Offer: 
-* Pilots to do things with around the clock. 
-* Good fun, Good PvP, and a Goal. 
-* 0.0 Ratting and mining space for the iskies.+This is a Private Corporation
-* Ts3 server for coms 
-* Structured corp services (Logistics,buy orders for corp)  
-*Ship replacment in fleet ops. 
-What we are looking for: 
-* Pilots in US/EU/UK/AU and NZ Time zones 
-* New or Used pilots (trail accounts are not accepted) 
-* PvP Pilots who want to have a good time and can assist the fleets. Mature players with good sense of respect, I don't care if your 15yrs old or 40yrs old if you act like an asshat, we don't want you! (Zero Tolerance for Drama) 
-What's Required: 
-*Limited API ID and Key 
-*Full account  
-*A Mic for Ts3 
-*A interview 
-Join us in pubic channel *J0INT*0= zero or feel free to mail me in game with your questions. 

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Resources 2011-09-18 08:03:39 Corporation Description
Corporation Soldiers of Makarov's army Member 0
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