Corporation - Description - 2011-10-02 08:17:08 - Live Ticker



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-Traveler 52 is an Australian based, fun and relaxed exploration corp with no SP requirements. We expect our members to be social, active people willing to work together with their corp. +Traveler 52 is an Australian based, fun and relaxed exploration corp with no SP requirements. We ask our members to be social, active people willing to work together with their corp.
 We are currently seeking members interested in: We are currently seeking members interested in:
 - Low-class wormholes - Low-class wormholes
 - Incursions - Incursions
 - Low-sec PvP roams. - Low-sec PvP roams.
 Potential applicants should be able to use, or be willing to train for: Potential applicants should be able to use, or be willing to train for:
 - Shield tanking, including T2 hardeners and other mods. - Shield tanking, including T2 hardeners and other mods.
 - Battle-cruisers and cruiser sized weapons and mods or larger. - Battle-cruisers and cruiser sized weapons and mods or larger.
 *Important* *Important*
 T52 is -NOT- a pirate corporation, nor do we approve of piracy. Our Pilots are, however, fully authorized to aggressively take whatever measures they deem necessary to defend their space, their stuff and their friends. T52 is -NOT- a pirate corporation, nor do we approve of piracy. Our Pilots are, however, fully authorized to aggressively take whatever measures they deem necessary to defend their space, their stuff and their friends.
 (Empty applications will be denied. Please fill out applications with the some details about yourself, why you'd like to join and what you can give to the corp, and what you would like from the corp.) (Empty applications will be denied. Please fill out applications with the some details about yourself, why you'd like to join and what you can give to the corp, and what you would like from the corp.)

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Resources 2011-10-02 08:17:08 Corporation Description
Alliance D-Collective Member 0
Corporation Traveler 52 Member 5
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