| Goals and ambitions for Modern-warfare, what we expect of our members, Participation in helping the alliance grow and succeed, living and working close to home base systems for cta's if needed, being active as much as possible, what we offer - solid foundation for growth with vet fc's and leaders, capital and t2- t3 ships program, protected mining ops, and mission fleets, roams into low sec and 0.0, pos safe hubs, ventrilo, killboards, forums, industrial backbone to compensate costs | | Goals and ambitions for Modern-warfare, what we expect of our members, Participation in helping the alliance grow and succeed, living and working close to home base systems for cta's if needed, being active as much as possible, what we offer - solid foundation for growth with vet fc's and leaders, capital and t2- t3 ships program, protected mining ops, and mission fleets, roams into low sec and 0.0, pos safe hubs, ventrilo, killboards, forums, industrial backbone to compensate costs |