Corporation - Description - 2011-10-16 08:14:47 - Live Ticker



Old New
-A militia PvP Corp +A PvP & Incursion Corp
 --currently recruiting--  --currently recruiting--
-must supply limited api 
-and a urine sample 
-we actively roleplay amarr slaver in corp chat+must supply limited api and a urine sample
-HEAD Diplomat and corp relations: Barmunk'dakukul +HEAD Diplomat and corp relations: Vodaclone007
 WARDEC Diplomat: Vodaclone007 WARDEC Diplomat: Vodaclone007
 Recruit channel is ASS BAR Recruit channel is ASS BAR
 Minimal Requirements Minimal Requirements
 Ships Ships
 Assault Frigates  Assault Frigates
 Covert Ops & Stealth Bombers Covert Ops & Stealth Bombers
 Interceptors Interceptors
 Modules  Modules
 T2 Small Turrets (Laser, Hybrid or Projectile) or T2 Rockets T2 Small Turrets (Laser, Hybrid or Projectile) or T2 Rockets
 & &
 T1 Torpedos (For Stealth Bomber fits) T1 Torpedos (For Stealth Bomber fits)
 All T1 eWar Modules (Distruptor, Scramber, Laser Pointer, Turret Distruptors, Jammers) All T1 eWar Modules (Distruptor, Scramber, Laser Pointer, Turret Distruptors, Jammers)
 T2 Armour hardners (EM, EXP, THERM & KIN) or T2 Shield hardners (EM, EXP, THERM & KIN) T2 Armour hardners (EM, EXP, THERM & KIN) or T2 Shield hardners (EM, EXP, THERM & KIN)
 T2 Covert Ops Cloak T2 Covert Ops Cloak
 T1 Cyno field generator T1 Cyno field generator
 Other skills Other skills
 Inmorph Psychology (Jump Clones) Inmorph Psychology (Jump Clones)
 Certificates Certificates
 Turret or Missle Control -Standard Turret or Missle Control -Standard
 Armor or Shield Tanking - Standard Armor or Shield Tanking - Standard
 Core competancy - Standard Core competancy - Standard
-*exception can be made by barm the great 

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Resources 2011-10-16 08:14:47 Corporation Description
Corporation ASPIRE Commandos Member 4
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API J:02 Mar 06:36 K:02 Mar 06:33 C:02 Mar 07:31 A:02 Mar 07:31 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:02 Mar 07:04 S:02 Mar 06:35 W:02 Mar 07:15