Corporation - Description - 2011-10-18 08:19:30 - Live Ticker



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 Phoenix Consortium Industries is involved in a variety of aspects in EVE. Mining, trading, research, invention, exploration, production and mission running. Phoenix Consortium Industries is involved in a variety of aspects in EVE. Mining, trading, research, invention, exploration, production and mission running.
 1,500,000 Skill Points 1,500,000 Skill Points
 Prefer miners be able to fly a Retriever or better. Prefer miners be able to fly a Retriever or better.
 Require NO Pirating interest. Require NO Pirating interest.
 Require POSITIVE Gallente Require POSITIVE Gallente
 Require POSTIVE Security Status Require POSTIVE Security Status
 Require Maintain those three standings and keep them positive. Require Maintain those three standings and keep them positive.
 Customisable API Key Required in Applications; Customisable API Key Required in Applications;
-Please include the ID and Verification Code for the following customisable API key. +Please include the ID and Verification Code for the following customisable API key for all characters.
 AccountBalance, CharacterInfo, SkillQueue, SkillInTraining, CharacterSheet, CharacterInfo, Standings. AccountBalance, CharacterInfo, SkillQueue, SkillInTraining, CharacterSheet, CharacterInfo, Standings.
 The access mask should be 26083337. The access mask should be 26083337.
 An expiry date of at least 2 weeks is prefered. An expiry date of at least 2 weeks is prefered.
 CEO - Cassana RivenStar CEO - Cassana RivenStar
 COO - Gabriel Gnossus COO - Gabriel Gnossus
 Recruiter - Le Phil Recruiter - Le Phil
 Public Relations Director - Ash'lor Public Relations Director - Ash'lor
 For more info reguarding recruitment, please convo or evemail one of the above toons. For more info reguarding recruitment, please convo or evemail one of the above toons.

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Resources 2011-10-18 08:19:30 Corporation Description
Alliance The Phoenix. Consortium Member 0
Corporation Phoenix Consortium Industries Member 1
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