- | GO AWAY!!
| + | u"GO AWAY!!
| Boredom Inc. is RECRUITING | | Boredom Inc. is RECRUITING |
| | | |
| | | |
| Hey you! YES, you! | | Hey you! YES, you! |
| | | |
| Bored tonight in New Eden? | | Bored tonight in New Eden? |
| Sitting around orbiting a rock by yourself? | | Sitting around orbiting a rock by yourself? |
| Shooting red crosses all by your lonesome? | | Shooting red crosses all by your lonesome? |
| Why not come and be BORED with us? | | Why not come and be BORED with us? |
| Boredom Inc. has many amenities to offer as well as 5 star accommodations! | | Boredom Inc. has many amenities to offer as well as 5 star accommodations! |
| 5 star accommodations your say! Surely you jest?! | | 5 star accommodations your say! Surely you jest?! |
| We at Boredom never jest* and don't ever call us surely. | | We at Boredom never jest* and don't ever call us surely. |
| Amenities offered: Mining Ops, Large breasted women with questionable morals, dragons slain every third Thursday of the month, drunken Friday night roams (assuming no hangovers from preceding dragon slaying), Orca boosts, PVE, FREE** libations, Mumble excitement, Slack fun, An Astrahus for all your reprocessing/compressing needs, a large BPO library, sailing the seven seas of cheese, high class escorts (and low class ones too if that's your thing) as well as room and a board*** at the comfiest Astrahaus in the sky! | | Amenities offered: Mining Ops, Large breasted women with questionable morals, dragons slain every third Thursday of the month, drunken Friday night roams (assuming no hangovers from preceding dragon slaying), Orca boosts, PVE, FREE** libations, Mumble excitement, Slack fun, An Astrahus for all your reprocessing/compressing needs, a large BPO library, sailing the seven seas of cheese, high class escorts (and low class ones too if that's your thing) as well as room and a board*** at the comfiest Astrahaus in the sky! |
- | Ritualistic sacrifices are temporarily suspended until CCP gives us back our altar. Many petitions have been filed… ...so many petitions...
| + | Ritualistic sacrifices are temporarily suspended until CCP gives us back our altar. Many petitions have been filed\u2026 ...so many petitions...
| Boredom Inc. is recommended by 4 out of 5 doctors and is GUARANTEED**** to cure: Rickets, Scurvy, Dysentery, Scoliosis, Boredom, Fleas and most types of Head Lice, Distemper, Rabies, Gout, Bad Vibes, the Heebie Jeebies, Erectile Dysfunction*****, and the occasional case of the Blues. | | Boredom Inc. is recommended by 4 out of 5 doctors and is GUARANTEED**** to cure: Rickets, Scurvy, Dysentery, Scoliosis, Boredom, Fleas and most types of Head Lice, Distemper, Rabies, Gout, Bad Vibes, the Heebie Jeebies, Erectile Dysfunction*****, and the occasional case of the Blues. |
| | | |
| Come fly with us! | | Come fly with us! |
| | | |
- | *Jesting is done approximately 98% of the time. Not to be confused with jousting which has been discontinued until we can find a mop after last week’s incident
| + | *Jesting is done approximately 98% of the time. Not to be confused with jousting which has been discontinued until we can find a mop after last week\u2019s incident
| **Player must provide own libations | | **Player must provide own libations |
| ***What player does with said board is completely up to the player and Boredom Inc. takes no responsibility for poor decisions | | ***What player does with said board is completely up to the player and Boredom Inc. takes no responsibility for poor decisions |
| ****Player must be diagnosed by an OFFICIAL Boredom Inc. doctor in order to be eligible for reimbursement | | ****Player must be diagnosed by an OFFICIAL Boredom Inc. doctor in order to be eligible for reimbursement |
- | ***** Only tried on women of ill repute, your mileage may vary
| + | ***** Only tried on women of ill repute, your mileage may vary"