Corporation - Description - 2011-11-08 08:16:39 - Live Ticker



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-Istra Industries is more than just a mining and production corporation. It is true that we raid the local asteroids for the richies within and use them to sell for the benefit of the Corporations accounts. You might be asking yourself: 'What do I get for helping out in Istra Industries?'+Istra Industries [I N I] was established in 2007 and flourished as a small mining corporation selling raw materials public-ally and privately to various contractors. Gaining the essential assets and financial capital needed, the corporation continued to grow in 2008 and saw the start of its industrial production of small arms and ships.
 +Maintaining Diplomatic relations with previous contractors gave [I N I] an advantage for selling new products and quickly gained a reputation for a reliable and honest service. [I N I] continued to grow at a rapid rate with offices expanding the corporations influence throughout the Caldari and Amarr systems.
 +During the great alliances war Istra Industries founders and members wanted to fight and gain pvp and null security experience. The corporation split apart to various factions/alliances and [I N I] closed.
 +In 2011 the founders discussed the good old days of Istra and decided to re-establish the corporation with their gained experience. By starting again as Ice Miners Istra Industries welcomes you to join our ranks at this vital time where you will help shape the destiny of the corporation.
-Members Benefits: +Our Members Benefits:
 +- Corporation mission running - 1 to 4's.
 +- Experienced Leadership from 2006 created characters.
 +- Organised Industrial Operations (Corporate, as well as personal interests).
 +- New pilots welcome, and assisted to the eve online learning curve.
 +- Friendly atmosphere provided.
-- Corporation mission running - Now with level 4's. 
-- Friendly atmosphere provided by our members. 
-- Mining operations (Corporate, as well as personal interests). 
-- Skillbook, ship and equipment assistance. 
-- Helpful advice for new players. 
 By ensuring that we grow as a team we will be able to achieve goals we could only dream of as individuals. Join Istra Industries today and tell us your dream! By ensuring that we grow as a team we will be able to achieve goals we could only dream of as individuals. Join Istra Industries today and tell us your dream!
-Apply at our offices or EVEmail myself Alexiuss, Ehnshana or Nikoloas. +Apply at our offices or eve-mail for more information.
-Offices: +Offices:
 +Gekutami V - Moon 1 - prompt Delivery Storage
-Upadates due (02/11/11)+Hentogaira II - Perkone Factory

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Resources 2011-11-08 08:16:39 Corporation Description
Corporation Istra Industries Member 5
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